UPC 771028244027, Masterworks : Canadian Historical Recordings in the Fields of pop, jazz, traditional and classical music

UPC 771028244027

Masterworks : Canadian Historical Recordings in the Fields of pop, jazz, traditional and classical music

Product Details
Product Category Music
Product Type Abis Music
Manufacturer Gala Records
Artist Glenn Gould, Raoul Jobin, Maureen Forrester, Wilfrid Pelletier, Teresa Stratas, Eleonor Steber, Richard Verreau, Henry Burr, Oscar Peterson, Moe Koffman, Jean-Paul Ferland, Gilles Vigneault, Robert Charlebois, and Mary Bolduc
Binding Audio CD
Creator (Composer) Bizet, Verdi, J. S. Bach, Mahler, Massenet, Berg, and Flowtow
Creator (Conductor) Wilfrid Pelletier, Bruno Walter, Pierre Boulez, and George Sebastian
Creator (Performer) Glenn Gould, Raoul Jobin, Maureen Forrester, Teresa Stratas, Richard Verreau, and Henry Burr
Label Gala Records
Language English
NumberOfDiscs 2
NumberOfItems 2
PublicationDate 2008-08-12
Publisher Gala Records
ReleaseDate 2006-11-07
Studio Gala Records
Country USA & Canada
Last Updated May 27, 2017 21

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